Our Privacy Policy

In this privacy policy, we inform you about the personal data we collect from you on this website, how we do it, why we do it, how we store it and make use of it. Some data may be collected upon your visit, other by interacting with our contents and features.

Please do not use our website, if you do not agree to our privacy policy or if you still have questions or concerns. Instead, we encourage you to get in contact with us asap:

Contact Details

Responsible for any matters related to personal data on this website:

Managing Director

D. No. 122-3-301
Peddha Palakaluru Road
Guntur – 522006

Please use one of the following ways to contact us:

Website: contact form
E-mail address: info@caliexim.com
Phone number: +91 6304144750

If you are looking for legal information regarding this website or our company, please also view our legal notice and terms of use.

  1. While there can be no guarantee given for absolute security due to flaws contained in the internet’s data traffic, we do our best to minimize the risks by keeping our technical systems up-to-date, by taking into account the costs for implementing such technology as well as the processings themselves, and by taking organizational measures accordingly.
  2. We inform you transparently about how your data is being collected, processed and used, and if you still have questions, you can ask us any time via e-mail.
  3. Your personal data is handled with care, respect and fairness, and we do take measures to protect it from any third parties that are not eligible to access them by law, contract or consent, or that are not contracted providers who lawfully do the processing on our behalf. Your individual rights associated with the data we protect all the same.
  4. Therefore, we only process your data for the specific purpose it was collected for.

Personal data means data that can be used to identify your person. Such data we collect, if you provide it to us, mainly by:


  • accessing our website (generated log files and some necessary cookies)
  • contacting us using our forms
  • interacting with embedded third-party features such as when booking a meeting slot via Calendly
  • using any other features on our website that require you to enter your data

If you are using our website, the personal data we collect can be the following, but is not limited to:


  • access (log) data, for example IP address, browser language and time zone
  • your name
  • your company name
  • your e-mail address
  • your (WhatsApp) phone number
  • your contact preferences
  • other authentification data (Calendly user name, e-mail signature, attached files etc.)

Personal data may further be given or implied by information you freely enter into any subject and message form field.


Please only convey information to us that is truthful and accurate.


Neither do we collect sensitive personal data nor do we knowingly collect personal data from minors. Note that you must be at least 18 years old or otherwise legally permitted to use our services by the laws of your home country to do business with us and that we remove data related to minors as soon as we take notice of their collection.

Depending on how you interact with our website, we process your personal data to:


  • ensure the stable connection to our website
  • provide you access to certain features such as booking a meeting slot via Calendly
  • receive your inquiries, answer and solve them
  • provide further assistance or our requested services to you
  • comply with contractual obligations
  • protect the legitimate interests and rights of everyone involved, such as to prevent harm
  • notify you about relevant and major changes or incidents
  • detect, prevent and address technical issues
  • prevent spam, fraud and other security threats
  • comply with the law

With your consent, we may process your personal data for other reasons as well.

Only if it is necessary and if there is a valid legal reason will we process your personal data, i. e. provide our services to you, comply with the law or contractual obligations, protect legitimate business interests or our own rights.


In order to exercise this and to not treat you any differently than our other respected visitors using this website, we follow the strictest privacy law at present, which is the General Data Protection Regulation, in short: GDPR.


In the following, we will explain you that legal basis both for the EU and UK, where it is quite similar, and for Canada, where not only direct, but also implied consent can be collected.


  1. The data we process is always given by you and with your consent for a specific purpose. Under “Your rights,” you may read more about how you can withdraw your consent.
  2. In order to accurately answer any of your inquiries regarding a contractual relation with us and later on to fulfill related obligations, we process your personal data as well.
  3. We also process your data to comply with legal obligations, i. e. demands of the law enforcement body and regulatory agency, as exercise or defense of our legal rights and as evidence in any litigation we may be involved in.
  4. Furthermore, we intend to prevent disadvantages or potential threats to any parties involved by protecting their concerning legitimate interests.


In Canada, there are also situations where the consent can be inferred, called “implied consent.” If legally permitted or obligatory, we may process your personal data without your consent. As in the following examplary cases, the data can be collected, if:


  • the interest of the person concerned is clearly existent, but consent can’t be given in time.
  • the personal data is publicly available and specified by the regulations.
  • the purpose is to investigate the violation of an agreement or the Canadian laws. In such a case, obtaining consent possibly compromises either availability or accuracy of the information.
  • it is part of a witness statement that is necessary to settle an insurance claim.
  • we believe that an individual may have become a victim of financial abuse.
  • a person has to be identified that is ill, injured or has deceased, and to get a hold of their family instead.

Our website is hosted in Germany where any personal data that is collected on our website is processed first.


  • If you visit our website, log files are created and necessary cookies will be active to collect some of your data.
  • If you use our contact form, we will process your data within our e-mail program to answer your inquiry.
  • Depending on the service providers we instruct to act on our behalf, some of your personal data may be accessible to those third parties. We may also use certain third-party features to allow for broader functionality on the website.
  • Please note that we do not have any tracking technology in place at the moment, and
  • that we will never sell your personal data to any third parties.

In order to provide you accessibility to our website, its connection (stability), functionality and security, we are using the services of the German web hosting provider All-Inkl.com: infrastructure, platform, storage space, databases, computing capacity, technical maintenance, e-mail and security services.


Accordingly, all data is processed by the web hosting provider in our legitimate interest in Germany. This would be your IP address and access data (log files), which is not processed in connection to any (personal) data you may have entered on our website, and will not be used to draw conclusions about you as a person.


For each access to the server, the web hosting provider collects and stores corresponding retrieval data based on legitimate interests:


  • name of the website
  • information about the file
  • date and time
  • transmitted amount of data in bytes
  • whether the call was successful
  • which browser was used
  • with which operating system
  • active cookies
  • the previously visited website
  • from which the user reached the call page
  • IP address
  • requested provider

This data is stored for a maximum of 7 days for security reasons, for example to resolve misuse or fraud. Backups are stored for 4 weeks. If it is necessary to present data as evidence, the retention period will be extended until the facts of the case have been clarified.

“Cookies” are small data files that can store information about your interactions and preferences on this website, and that may include a unique identifier, which is a specific string of characters connecting your previous and current visit with that information.


If you visit a website, the cookies will be sent to your browser and save the data they were instructed to collect. For example, they may autofill any previously entered data into form fields or check whether the conditions are met to display a certain content or not.


Cookies cannot be used to launch unwanted programs or transmit viruses.


While necessary cookies are based on our legitimate interest to enable you to (conveniently) access our website and provide more security, optional cookies will go beyond that functionality and are only to be activated upon your consent.


We use cookies to ensure the functionality and security of this website, which means that all the active cookies on this website are necessary. At the moment, we do not have any tracking technology in place that would set optional cookies.


Please note that some of the necessary cookies are third-party cookies, without which the Calendly booking feature cannot function.


You can check all the cookies that are currently active on this website in two ways:


  • Click on the encryption icon to the left of the URL bar. Below the “Cookies” title, you can view, remove and block any active cookie.
  • Click “Cookie Overview” or “Cookies we serve” at the right bottom corner of the website. Here, you can view them and read about their individual use in more detail.

You can further disable cookies by default via your browser settings. Read the following guides to do so: Chrome, Explorer, Firefox, Opera or Safari. Note that this may cause errors or disable essential functionality on this website.

If you use a form to contact us and therefore transfer data such as your name and e-mail address to us, we will process that data to follow up on your inquiry via e-mail within the corresponding e-mail accounts and mail programs.


If the necessity of the data transmitted by you expires, it will be deleted after 6 months at the latest. This is the case, for example, if our (pre-contractual) communication has not led to an order of our service.


On the other hand, if a contractual relationship arises, your data will be processed and stored for as long as our contractual relationship requires it and for as long as the applicable law prescribes. This doesn’t exclude our legitimate interest to maintain our business relationship with some of that data.


Additionally, we use anti-spam tools to verify that you are a person and not a bot.

We do not disclose or sell information of our visitors or contacts for any commercial purpose, and neither will we in the future.


Apart from this, we employ third-party companies and individuals to facilitate the services we provide and to perform related tasks on our behalf. This includes hosting and publishing this website the way you see it now in front of you.


Specifically for that purpose, these third parties have access to your personal data, but are obligated under a written contract between us and each service provider to not disclose any of it.


For more information on third-party cookies, please check the cookie console that you can access by clicking the encryption icon next to the URL within your browser.

In general, your data is stored and processed as long as necessary to fulfill its purpose, if not otherwise required by contract or law.


In case your data cannot be deleted right after its purpose has ceased, it will be isolated from further processing and restricted in access. It may be stored longer to resolve any ongoing disputes, enforce our policies or protect our rights.


  • Log files are stored for a maximum of 7 days for security reasons, backups for 4 weeks.
  • The storage time of cookie data varies according to their purpose and can be found in our “Cookie Overview.”
  • Entered data (such as via forms) will be deleted after 6 months at the latest, if no contractual relationship arises. But if it does, your data will be processed and stored for as long as both our contract and the applicable law prescribes.

In order to protect the transmissions taking place on our website, we use encryption procedures via HTTPS. This is particularly necessary for the transmission of confidential content, for example when inquiring us via our contact form.


You can recognize the encryption by the fact that the combination “https://” precedes the domain at the beginning of the URL bar in the browser, and not “http://”. You can also recognize the encryption by the encryption symbol to the left, which is usually displayed as a lock.


Though we cannot guarantee absolute security due to any imperfections in electronical technology and because we cannot predict its failure or the ill-will of any third parties, we do our best to minimize the risks with technical and organizational measures.


However, using our website is still at your own risk and we advise you to only view our website from a secure device and network.

Depending on your geographical location and the law that applies to you, you have access to certain rights regarding the control over your personal data. Since we offer our services globally and therefore expect global traffic, we follow the strictest data protection law at present, which is the GDPR of the European Economic Area (EEA).


According to the GDPR regarding your personal data collected on this website, it is your right to:


  1. request information about the personal data we have collected from you as well as a copy of it, including what it was and is used for, and to whom we may have disclosed it. However, this does neither apply to data that was made unidentifiable, nor is it feasible to re-identify such data.
  2. request to correct or update the personal data we have collected from you.
  3. delete the personal data we have collected from you, unless the data is still required for any contractual, legal or other important purposes. In this case, it will be restricted, meaning that it will be blocked and no longer processed.
  4. object to the processing under certain circumstances arising from your particular situation.
  5. withdraw your consent for the future. Up until this moment, the lawfulness of your consent is not affected. The processing is also not affected, if other legitimate reasons outweigh it.
  6. complain to your local protection supervisory authority (EEA & UK, Switzerland), if you believe your personal data to be processed unlawfully.

In order to exercise any of your rights, please start by contacting us under info@caliexim.com. You will receive our response within 48 hours. We will consider your inquiry and act upon it in accordance with the data protection law (that applies).

If you have any concern or dispute about our privacy policy, you agree to first try to resolve the concern or dispute informally by contacting Calidris EXIM using the contact methods above. Depending on your inquiry, it may take up to 4 weeks to respond with you with substantial information and up to 4 more weeks to comply with your inquiry, if it is possible at all. 


In case an incident occurs that endangers your personal data on our servers and tools, we will notify the supervising authority of it within the prescribed 72 hours. Also within that period, we will contact you about this incident with the latest updates we have.

In order to stay compliant with relevant laws, we make updates to this privacy policy. You will find the date of our last revision at the bottom of the page and its updates will be marked green coupled with a symbol ✏️ at the respective section. Only if we determine those updates to be major in nature will we announce them prior to their implementation.


All updates are effective as soon as they are accessible. We therefore encourage you to review our privacy policy on a regular basis and to look out for any updates highlighted. In case any part or section of our privacy policy loses its validity before we are able to update it, all its other parts and sections will remain unaffected and valid.

This privacy policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our website with regards to the information that they shared on it and/or retrieved from it. This policy is not applicable to any information collected offline or via channels other than this website.

Calidris EXIM’s privacy policy does not apply to other advertisers or websites. Thus, we are advising you to consult the respective privacy policies of these third parties for more detailed information. This may include their practices and instructions about opt-out options.

By interacting with our website, you hereby consent to our privacy policy.

If you have additional questions or require more information about data protection on this website, do not hesitate to contact us.

✏️ Last revision: September 29, 2022